Beach reading

21 Oct

I just got back from the beach. I took a couple of days off to re-coup and read and write. I went to the beach with a friend where I did very little reading and even less writing. I did spend lots of time by the pool and jumping waves in the ocean (including hand stand attempts which resulted in a little microdermabrasion on one side of my face).

One of the things I realized while there is: Women hate themselves. The little reading I did included He’s Just Not That Into You, a modern classic, which my friend had borrowed and given back. I hadn’t read it in years and was stunned, again, by what women will accept.  Where’s the self love? Where’s the confidence so a woman doesn’t have to just grasp to a faint scent of commitment wafting near a man, not even on him.

It made me so sad. But what have I learned since I first read it? Probably nothing really new. It’s not about learning I don’t think. It’s about feeling. How you feel about yourself and the life you live. If I have a life I really love, then I won’t be trying to catch some man who makes me doubt myself by not getting caught.

Loneliness is the alternative though until Mr. Right comes along. Is loneliness such a bad thing? If a woman really loves her life, is she lonely just because she doesn’t have a man?  Is the the fear of being alone really as scary as some of the relationships you’ve had?

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